Rd 9 vs Sturt

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Rd 9 vs Sturt

Postby Ranga » Sat Jun 11, 2022 7:44 am


ACH Group Stadium, Monday 13th June, 11:30am
Chandler, McRae, Owens, Horsnell, Watts, Rossmann, Wright, Brougham, Kitschke, Gluyas, Harding, Beecken, Murphy, Wiseman, Cole, Matthias, Short, Tunkin, McDonnell, Leck, Edwards, Ellis-Castle, Franklin, Deegan

Wigan Oval, Saturday 11th June, 10:00am
McIntyre, Sims Ridgway, McShane Hildyard, Lambert, Brokensha, Davis, Trevena, Dunn, Francis, Murdock, Moir, Smith, Corcoran, Payne, Charlick, Ryan, McAuley, Wurfel, Altus, McInnes, Pavia-Amato, Weber, Dewhirst, Delaney, Fuller

Wigan Oval, Saturday 11th June, 12:30pm
Betterman, Scannell, McAuliffe, Plews, Clothier, Dawson, Gluyas, Atkin, Freckleton, Grzyb, Thompson, Wilby, Wisneske, McKinnon, Robertson, Disbury, Crouch, Shepherdson, Stewart, Luke, Walters, Wright, Whelan, Kuhl, Francis-Nia Nia
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