Rd 10 vs NAFC

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Rd 10 vs NAFC

Postby Speedy Tigers! » Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:07 pm

reserves 11.30 Monday at Glenelg

Crompton, Park, Leck, Stagg, Dowling, Holder, Searle, Minchin, Moore, Murphy, LeCornu, Wright, Wanganeen-Milera, Schreiber, Horsnell, McDonnell, McRae, Symonds, Schott, Chandler

u18 Saturday 11 am at North

Window, Gluyas, Nicotra, Durant, Ridgway, Edwards, Brokensha, Wolfenden, Brougham, Murdock, Burtt, Rayson, Beecken, Charlick, Harding, Thomson, Virtanen, Sims, McGary, Adams, Kaeslar, Porter, Shanks
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Speedy Tigers!
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Re: Rd 10 vs NAFC

Postby Tiger Couple » Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:40 am

First loss for the Reserves and it appeared to be gifted to North with a holding the ball decision giving North a 30m shot on goal from a slight angle, which was converted.

It was a pretty scrappy game, but hopefully we get a handful of injured players back in the next couple of rounds after the Bye.
Tiger Couple
Posts: 1394
Joined: Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:55 pm

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