Round o.5

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Round o.5

Postby Speedy Tigers! » Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:47 pm

North u 16 beat out u 16 side today pretty easily (10 + goals)

Home game for us, played at Kilburn Oval

The NAFC full forward Kieran Agius is one to watch. Kicked about 11 - 12 goals

Young gun Hamish Nitschke from Millicent went well

Our 18's followed with a trial, in the first half we played our probables, in the second half our possibles

North played their best team all day, we won the furst half but soundly beaten in the second half

Young Charlie "Chas" hender looked good as did Cory Gregson, Billy Stretch and Jack Donkersley
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Speedy Tigers!
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